The Village Lab team includes the Village Lab director, Indigenous Elder and knowledge keeper, manager, graduate and undergraduate students and research assistants, research and community program coordinators, and community members.
All of our research projects involve community advisory boards members who are representative of the diverse communities we work with. This includes people living with HIV, sexual and gender minority men and Two-Spirit people, Indigenous people, immigrants and refugees, racialized communities, and people who use drugs.
Meet the Team
Dr. Rusty Souleymanov
Lab Director
Dr. Albert McLeod
Lab Elder
Melissa Morris
Lab Manager
Grace Holwell
Knowledge Translation and Exchange Strategist
Jared Star
Graduate Research Assistant
Patricia Ukoli
Graduate Research Assistant
Tara Christianson
Graduate Research Assistant
Mikayla Hunter
Investigaytors Winnipeg Coordinator
Candace Neumann
Graduate Research Assistant
Skye Wikjord
Graduate Research Assistant
Bolaji Akinyele-Akanbi
Assistant Professor
Dorcas Kwarteng
Graduate Research Assistant
Samantha Moore
Graduate Research Assistant
Lydia Hamel
Graduate Research Assistant
Berto Uday Norbert
Community Associate
Marni Still
Graduate Research Assistant
Ann Favel
Community Research Associate
Chinyere Njeze
Graduate Research Assistant
Olivia Thomas
Knowledge Translation and Exchange Assistant
Shemar Barnes
Community Associate
Steven Baldwin
Graduate Research Assistant